Advanced Java Programming (theory) Madras university syllabus

Paper:Advanced Java Programming

UNIT-I: Servlet overview-the java web server-your first servlet - servlet chaining-server side includes-session management-security-HTML forms-using JDBC in servlets-applet to servlet communication

UNIT-II:Java Beans:the software component assembly model-the java beans development kit-developing beans-notable beans-using infobus - glasgow developments-application builder tool-JAR files-introspection-Bound properties-persistence-customizers-java beans API.

UNIT-III:EJB:EJB architecture-EJB requirements-design and implementation-EJB session beans-EJB entity beans-EJB clients-deployment tips, tricks and traps for building distributed and other systems-implementation and future directions of EJB-variable in perl - perl control structures and operators – functions and scope

UNIT-IV:RMI: overview-developing applications with RMI: Declaring & implementing remote interfaces-stubs & Skeletons, Registering remote objects, writing RMI clients-Pushing data from RMI servlet-RMI over inter-ORB protocol

UNIT-V: JSP-Introduction JSP-Examining MVC and JSP-JSP scripting elements & directives  - working with variables scopes - Error Pages  - using Java Beans in JSP Working with Java Mail-Understanding Protocols in java mail-components-java mail API – integrating into J2EE-understanding Java Messaging Services -Transactions.

Recommended text:
1)J.McGovern,R.Adatia,.Y.Fain 2003,J2EE 1.4 Bible,Wiley-dreamtech India Pvt .Ltd,NewDelhi
2)H.Schildt,2002 Java 2 complete Reference,%th edition,Tata McGraw Hill,NewDelhi.

Reference Books:
1)     K.Moss ,1999 Java Servlets, Second Edition ,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2)     2)D.R.Calllaway,1999,Inside Servlets,Addition Wesley,Boston
3)     Joseph O’Neil,1998 Java Beans from the ground up,Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi.
4)     Tom Valesky ,Enterprise Java Beans ,Addision Wesley.
5)     Cay S Horstmann & Gray Cornell,Core Java Vol II Advanced Features,Addision Wesley.

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