1. Define : Scale of integration.
2. What is low-level language?
3. What is mnemonic?
4. Write the opcodes of AND, OR and NOT logic functions.
5. What is monitor program?
6. Define: counter.
7. What is subroutine?
8. Define: PUSH and POP.
9. What is the use of Table look-up techniques?
10.What is TRAP?
11. Write about HOLD and HLDA.
12. What is an ASCII code?


13.Explain on Microprocessor - Initiated operations and 8085  Bus organization.
14. Illustrate with an example of Arithmetic operations.
15.Describe on Time delay using one Register.
16.Discuss on conditional call and return instructions.
17. Explain with an example of BCD of Hexadecimal program.
18. Describe the 8085 interrupt process.
19. Write a note on I/O interfaces.

20. Explain the organization of a microprocessor based   system.
21. Describe on the 8085 microprocessor in detail.
22. Explain the Hexadecimal counter with an example.
23. Illustrate with an example of Binary-to-BCD conversion.
24. Write a program for 16-bit subtraction with an example.
25. Explain the direct I/O and Memory mapped I/O in detail

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