SECTION-A (10 X 2 = 20 MARKS)

1. List the advantages of E-Commerce.
2. What is meant by B2C E-Business transaction model?
3. List the common elements of B2B Exchanges.
4. Give any TWO examples of B2C Model.
5. What is meant by Secure Transaction?
6. Define: Intranet.
7. What is SET?
8. What is the need for Computer Security?
9. Define: Digital Signature.
10. Define: Computer Virus.
11. List the advantages of E-Mail.
12. What is MOSS?

                      SECTION-B(5 X 5 =25 MARKS)

13. Discuss briefly on: Modes of E-Commerce.
14. Discuss about Secure Transaction.
15. Explain briefly on: Secure Electronic Payment Protocol.
16. Write Short Notes on: Certificates for Authentication.
17. Discuss about Encryption.
18. What are the Business Requirements of Mastercard/Visa Secure Electronic Transaction? Discuss briefly about them.
19. Explain about electronic marketplace technologies.

                     SECTION C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

20. Describe about Secure Electronic Transaction.
21. Explain briefly on: Online Electronic Cash.
22. Explain about Specific Intruder Approaches.
23. Describe in detail, Security Teams.
24. Explain about S/MIME.

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