1. What are the components to measure the cost of Software?
2. Differentiate between widget productivity and software productivity?
3. What is the purpose of Link Marker?
4. List out the three different Software Testing Criteria
5. Define: Data Flow Testing
6. Differentiate between domain and Range.
7. What is Dynamic Slicing?
8. Write down any two desirable metric properties
9. Define :BNF
10. What are the categories of string errors?
11.Define: State Testing.
12. What is Finite State Machine
13. Compare Testing versus Debugging.
14. What is the importance of bugs?.Explain.
15. What are the elements of control flow graph?.Describe
16. Explain any five bugs in Domain Errors.
17. Explain any five rules of Path Product.
18. Write down the steps in Syntax Testing.
19. Write a note on State Graph.
20. Explain the characteristics of the model of a Software Project.
21. Write down the steps for Transaction Flow Testing?
22. Explain the various strategies involved in Data Flow  Testing.
23. Discuss the Hidden assumption and weakness of Halstead's metrics
24. Describe the components of Decision Table.

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