1. State the use of spell check.
2. What is Electronic spread sheet?
3. What is a record?
4. What are Queries?
5. What are the future of EDI?
6. Define 'DBMS'
7. What is gTLD?
8. Define client-server model.
9. What are the merits of auditing?
10. What is an IP address?
11. What is audit trail?
12. What is transaction?
13. Discuss the role of word processing in creating documents.
14. Explain the concepts of data base management system.
15. Discuss the advantages of EDI?
16. Explain the various EDI standards.
17. Discuss the application of Distributed computing.
18.  Explain any two applications of internet in business?
19. Explain the basic ideas of information audit.
20. Discuss the various types of saving document in word.
21. Explain the key components of the excel worksheet.
22. Discuss the FEDI for international trade transaction.
22. Explain the steps involved in creating a new connection with the internet connection bar.
24. Explain the solution to IS audit processing system.

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