PART A– (10 * 2 = 20)
Answer any TEN questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you mean by word processing?
2. State the uses of Auto correct.
3. What are cells?
4. What do you mean by Indexing?
5. Define distributed databases.
6. What is report generator?
7. What are the standards of EDI?
8. What do you mean by Internet Protocol suite?
9. What do you mean by router?
10. Explain USNET.
11. Define audit trail
12.What are Test Packs?

PART B – (5 * 5 = 25)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

13. Describe the procedure for creating a document in Word.
14. Discuss the applications of Spreadsheet in finance.
15. What are the advantages of DBMS over traditional file management?
16. Discuss different types of database users.
17. Trace the evolution of EDI.
18. Make a comparison between Internet, Intranet and Extra net.
19. Discuss the need for IS audit.

PART – (3* 10 = 30)
Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

20. Describe the structure of a Worksheet.
21. Explain how you will modify the Worksheet layout.
22. Discuss the advantages of EDI
23.Discuss the recent trends in Database Management Systems.
24. Discuss various technologies that are part of E-commerce. 

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