Month & Year of Examination: April 2010
1. What are the application areas of computer Graphics?
2. Write any two types of printers.
3. What are basic lines attributes?
4. Define Inquiry functions.
5. Write about anyone 2D transformation.
6. How to classify the logical Input devices?
7. What is perspective projection?
8. Draw a diagram to represent a polygon.
9. Explain the need for removing hidden surface.
10. Define Projection.
11. Define constraint.
12. Give examples for STROKE device.
13. Explain any two input devices.
14. Describe simple DDA algorithm for generating straight lines.
15. Mention the concept of windowing.
16. Write short notes on modeling concept.
17. Explain depth cueing.
18. Explain about any one 3D reflection.
19. Discuss on back face deletion.
20. Draw and explain the working principles of CRT.
21. Describe about the character attributes.
22. Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
23. What are 3D display techniques? Explain.
24. Discuss on depth buffer algorithm.

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