Month & Year of Examination: April 2011
1. Draw the diagram of CRT.
2. Write the classification of Graphics software.
3. What are character attributes?
4. Define Inquiry functions.
5. Define a window.
6. Define the term modeling.
7. Write about anyone logical input device.
8. Define Grid.
9. What is Bit?
10. What are 3D transformations? List out.
11. Write the name of any two image space method.
12. Explain the need for removing hidden surface.
13. Explain about random scan display system.
14. Describe about midpoint circle algorithm.
15. Write short notes on gray scale levels.
16. What is composite transformation? Explain.
17. What is clipping? Explain any one type of clipping.
18. Explain the three dimensional graphics packages.
19. How to view a 3D object.
20. Explain about any four input devices.
21. How to perform flood fill using the algorithm? Explain.
22. Explain shear and reflection transformations.
23. What are polygon surfaces? Explain with its polygon table.
24. Discuss on depth buffer algorithm.

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