Month & Year of Examination: April 2012
1. What is graphical user interface? Define it.                                                                                
2. Write any four applications area of computer graphics.
3. List any two differences between input devices and hard copy devices.
4. What are output primitives? Define.
5. What are basic colors? And why are we calling it as such?
6. List down the character attributes.
7. Name the additional transformation related to 2-dimension.
8. What is meant by clipping?
9. Define depth cueing.
10. Give the coordinate representation of any one of 3-D transformation.
11. Define image space method.
12. Why do we need of hidden surface removal?
                           SECTION B
13. Write a note on mouse.
14. Explain about Random scan display system.
15. Explain DDA-line drawing algorithm.
16. What are the important features of grayscale in graphics?
17. Write short notes on logical classification of input devices.
18. Discuss about parallel projection.
19. How do we transform world to viewing coordinates? Explain.
                            SECTION C
20. Describe about the working principle of CRT with its block diagram.
21. Explain in detail about the circle generating algorithm.
22. How to perform 2D basic transformation? Explain with its diagram.
23. What are 3D composite and additional transformations? Explain each one with the diagram.
24. Describe about depth-buffer method.

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