1.Define :Resolution
2. Write a note on :Joysticks
3. Define :Attributes
4. What is DDA?
5. Define :Circle.
6. Write a note on :Gray scale.
7. What do you mean by scaling?
8. What is meant by clipping?
9. Write a note on :parallel projection.
10. What are polygon tables?
11. Write a note on:Viewing pipeline.
12. What is meant by an object space method?
13. Discuss about use of Image processing in computer graphics.
14. Write short notes on :graphics software.
15. Explain briefly on :Line attributes.
16. Discuss about Basic 2D Transformations.
17. Write short notes on :any four interactive picture construction techniques.
18. Discuss about depth cueing.
19. Write the steps of a depth buffer method.
20. Describe about direct-view storage tubes and flat panel displays.
21. Explain midpoint circle generation algorithm
22. Explain about logical classification of input devices.
23. Describe visible Line and surface identification
24. Explain about Wire frame methods.

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