Month & Year of Examination: November 2012
1. Define the word pixel.
2. What is the use of video display devices?
3. What are the classifications of graphics software?
4. Write the basic• principle of line drawing algorithm.
5. Write short note on line attributes.
6. Define inquiry function.
7. What is translation? 8. Write down name of any four .logical classification of Input device.
9. Define projection.
10. What is 3D transformation?
11. "Write the general processing steps for converting a world - co-ordinate to device co~ordinate.
12. What is the basic concept of Wire “frame- Visibility method?

13. Explain any two-application areas of computer graphics.
14. What are hardcopy devices? Give examples .and why is it so called?
15. Write short notes on character attributes.
16. What is the use of grayscale in graphics? Explain.
17. Explain about any two composite transformations of three dimensional objects.
18. Describe about depth cueing
19. Write short notes on view volumes.
20. Explain about any four input devices.
21. Explain Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
22. Describe about Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping, algorithm.
23. Write short notes on
(a) Parallel projection
(b) Shear in 3D object
(c) Reflection in 3D.
24. Explain in detail about A-buffer method        

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