Month & Year of Examination: November 2013

1. Define the term pixel and bitmap.
2. What are the types of printers and plotters?
3. What are basic lines attributes?
4. Define Inquiry functions.
5. What are transformation types?
6. Define clipping.
7. What are logical Input devices?
8. Define constraint.
9. Write a note on parallel projection.
10. What is shear?
11. Define projection oblique.
12. What is Image space?

13. What is random scan monitor? Explain the principle.
14. Explain any two input devices with its diagram.
15. Describe simple DDA algorithm for generating straight lines
16. Give the matrix representation of 2D rotation with explanation.
17. List down the concept of windowing.
18. Explain the three dimensional graphics packages.
19. Discuss on back face detection algorithm.

20. Explain the working principles' of CRT with its diagram.
21. Describe the mid-point circle algorithm.
22. What is clipping? Explain Cohen- Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
23. Explain about 3D transformation in detail.
24. Discuss on depth-buffer algorithm.

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