1. Define the term :Data Communication
2. What is Ring Topology?
3. List the layers of OSI model.
4. What is Asynchronus Transmission?
5. Distinguish between Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.
6. Write a note on:FDDI
7. What is message Switching?
8. Define: Burst Error.
9. What is ISDN?
10. Write a note on :Packet layer protocol.
11. What are bridges?
12. What is TCP/IP?
13. Write about Transmission modes.
14. Distinguish between parallel and serial  transmission.
15. Write short notes on: MODEMs.
16.Discuss briefly about any two multiplexing.
17. Write briefly on:connection oriented and connection services.
18. Write short notes on ATM topology.
19. Discuss about WWW.
20. Describe in detail classification networks.
21. Explain any two guided media.
22. Write short notes on a) Ethernet b)IEEE 802.6
23. Explain about ISDN layers
24. Discuss in detail routers and gateways.

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