Year & month of examination:April 2013
Paper: DataBase Management Systems
PART-A (10 x 2 =20)
1.List down the advantages of a DBMS.
2.Define: Class diagrams.
3.What are keywords?
4.What is the basic structure of the SQL SELECT command?
5.Define: DDL
6.List the basic human factors design elements.
7.What are Tabular forms?
8.List the primary sections of Reports.
9.Write the purpose of the SAVEPOINT technique.
10.Write a note on: Data partitioning.
11.What takes are performed by a DBA?
12.Define: A file-server.
PART-B (5 X 5= 25)
13.Explain associations and relationships with example.
14.Write short notes on: Domain-key normal form.
15.Explain Testing queries with examples.
16.Discuss briefly on creating packages with examples.
17.Explain Error handling with examples.
18.Discuss on Transactions with examples.
19.Explain about Application types.
PART-C (3 X 10=30)
20.Explain about BCNF and 4NF with examples.
21.Describe in detail, Queries with Multiple tables with examples.
22.Explain Direct manipulation of Graphical objects.
23.Describe Custom reports with examples.
24.What are Client/Server databases? Explain.

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