SECTION-A( 2 X 10 = 20 MARKS)

1. Define E–commerce.
2. Explain fast pocket switching.
3. What are the two classifications of NREN activities?
4. What are local service providers?
5. What do you mean by consistent usage holes?
6. What is SHEN?
7. Mention any two advantages of Electronic checks.
8. Mention any two differences between EDI and E-mail.
9. What is asynchronous message–oriented agents?
10. What is word-level indexing?
11. What is the hacking?
12. What is NSFNET?

             SECTION B — (5 X 5 = 25 marks)

13. Give the architecture of national level internet service provider.
14. Discuss the Quick Response Retailing.
15. Give the architecture of national level internet service providers.
16. Write short notes on:
(a) Network Access Points
(b) Routing Arbiter.
17. Explain the role of Firewalls in network security.
18. Discuss desirable characteristics of an Electronic market place.
19. List the problems in designing the electronic payment systems.

             SECTION C — (3 X 10 = 30 marks)

20. What is Software agent? Explain its characteristics and usefulness.
21. Explain the Anatomy of E-commerce applications.
22. Explain the overview of Internet Applications, in TELCO/CABLE/ON-LINE companies.
23. Explain EDI software implementation in detail.
24. Explain the technological components of Education on demand.

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