• Gopher is an Internet service that allows the user to browse Internet resources using lists and menus.
  • Gopher groups information resources by category.
  • This is a tree branch approach to information searching 
  • The user can navigate down through a hierarchy of categories and subcategories until the information is found.
  • Gopher is usually fast and it is often the best way to find information resources.
  • It runs as a client on the users PC,the user can either connect directly to a gopher server or can initiate a Telnet session to a Gopher site.
  • The user can navigate the Internet by selecting items from Gopher lists.
  • Some Gopher servers will further provide a user with their list information,they also search for information categories through the Internet.
  • Anyone can setup a Gopher server and offer it over the Internet.
  • WAIS-Wide Area Information Server
  • WAIS is a distributed information service available to search Internet database indexes using simple natural language input.
  • It allows the user to perform keyword searches of the full text using electronic forms.
  • WAIS searches for keywords within the files,not just for titles,as is the case of Archie.
  • The search strategy is more sophisticated than Archie and Veronica;only allow the user to search for keywords in titles.
  • WAIS also has a feedback mechanism which enables the users to refine their search strategy progressively.
  • WAIS requires special servers,but these are usually also made available from WWW and can also be accessed through Gopher menus.

  • IRC is like CB radio,except that instead of talking,users use a computer screen and a keyboard .
  • From the client point of view, it is similar to PHONE which was a standard utility on DEC VAX stations and on UNIX systems.
  • The IRC channels are like a telephone party line;many people can be on a line at the same time,everybody can hear the conversation in real-time and can either join in or just hangout.
  • there is no limit to the number of conversations that can take place.
  • New channels can easily be opened up.
  • Channels can be private,secret,moderated or invite-only and so can be used for serious business conferencing.
  • There are IRC servers around the world.
4. Write short notes on:  Applications of Electronic / Web Commerce.
 5. What is EDI? Explain.
 6. Discuss      briefly      on      :      Secure      Commerce      Requirements.
 7. Discuss about certificates for Authentication.
 8. Write about preventing double-spending in on-line electronic cash.
 9. Discuss about any five hacking techniques.
 10. Write   short   notes   on   :   MIME   data   encoding   techniques.
11.Write down the applications of E-commerce.
12. What are the links are included in the web-based E-commerce?
 13. What are the steps are included in SET?
 14. What are the reasons for hackers? Explain.
15. Write short notes on ‘‘on line electronic cash’’.
 16.What are hacking techniques? Explain.
 17.Write a note on payment processing.
18.Write down the applications of E-Commerce.
19.Explain the concept of modes of E-Commerce.
20. Write about secure transport protocols.
 21.Write short notes on firewall.
 22.Write   down   the   issues   on   internet   monetary payment.
 23. What   are   the   losses   can   happen   because   of security problem? Explain.
24. Write a note on payment authorization.
25. Discuss briefly on: Modes of E-Commerce.
 26. Discuss about Secure Transaction.
 27. Explain briefly on:  Secure Electronic Payment Protocol.
28. Write   Short   Notes   on:   Certificates   for Authentication.
29. Discuss about Encryption.
30.  What are the Business Requirements of MasterCard/Visa Secure Electronic Transaction? Discuss briefly about them.
31.  Explain about electronic marketplace technologies.
32. Write   short   notes   on   Electronic   Market   Place   Technologies.
 33. What   are   the   services   that   are   provided   by      E-commerce? Explain.
34. Write about secure transport protocols.
 35. What    are    the    steps    for    VeriSign’s    digital    certificate?
36. Explain about host security policies.
37. What are hacking techniques? Explain.
38. Short notes on payment processing.
39. Write a note on E-Commerce applications.
40. Explain in detail about the E-Commerce services.
 41. Is there any drawback in firewalls? Discuss.
 42. Explain the concept of modes of E-Commerce.
 43.What is the use of cryptography?  Draw the diagram for Encryption & Decryption.
 44. Write short notes on Internet.
 45. Write a note on Digital signature.
46. Discuss  briefly  on:  The  Electronic  Commerce Environment.
47.  Discuss about Secure Transport Protocols.
 48. Explain briefly on: Secure Electronic Transaction.
 49. Write Short Notes on: Online Electronic Cash.
 50. Discuss about Internet Security Tools.
  51. Write Short Notes on:  A Model for Message Handling.
52. Give the architecture of national level internet service provider.
53.Discuss the Quick Response Retailing.
54. Give the architecture of national level internet service providers.
55. Write short notes on: (a)     Network Access Points (b)     Routing Arbiter.
56. Explain the role of Firewalls in network security.
57.  Discuss desirable characteristics of an Electronic market place.
58. List   the   problems   in   designing   the   electronic   payment systems.
59.Write   short   notes   on   Electronic   market   place   technologies.
60. Explain the concept of modes of E-Commerce.
61. Write about secure transport protocols.
62. Is there any drawback in Firewalls? Discuss.
63. Discuss the issues on Internet monetary payment.
64. What are hacking techniques? Explain.
65. Write short notes on Digital Signature.

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