1. What is bus?.
2. Define: 'Word'?
3. What do you mean by source code?.
4. Expand ASCII.
5. List the machine control instructions.
6. What you know about reset?.
7. Expand: EEPROM.
8. Mention the name of the five flags in 8085.
9.What do you know about OUT instructions?
10. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of 1111 1111?
11.What is dynamic debugging?
12.What instruction used to disable the interrupts except TRAP


13. Explain the organisation of the microprocessor.
14. Discuss in detail about classification of 8085 instruction set.
15. Explain about dynamic debugging.
16. Write a short note on conditional call and return instruction.
17. Explain about HEX to BCD conversion with example.
18. Write an assembly language program to convert binary  to BCD.
19. Write a short note on RAM & ROM.

20. Describe the architecture of 8085 microprocessor.
21. Write a assembly language program to addition with carry.
22. Explain in detail about Binary to ASCII code conversion.
23. Discuss in detail about modulo 10 counter.
24. Explain about Direct Memory Access (DMA)
25. Describe in detail about memory mapped I/O.

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