1.Define Microprocessor
2.What is low-level language?
3.Define Assembly language.
4.Specify any three control
signals commonly used by the 8085 MPU
5.What are the continous and conditional loops?
6.What are the methods of copying data between the microprocessors and memory in 8085 instruction.
7.Define Subroutine
8.What is operating system?
9.Write down the functions of DAA INSTRUCTION.
10.List the various types of maskable interrupts, explain.
11.Give the actions of Enable Interrupt.
12.Write about HOLD signal.

13.Explain the method of writing and
executing an assembly language program.
14.Describe the functions of Reset, Interrupt and wait
15.Discuss about the various arithmetic operations
performed by 8085 microprocessor
16.Draw a flow chart of a conditional loop illustrating
indexing and counting.
17.Write a note on "counters and time delays".
18.Write a program to convert a packed BCD to Binary equivalent.
19.Explain the following:
(a)Multiple Interrupt

20.Explain in detail about Internal Data operations and the 8085 registers.
21.Discuss with an examples of Data transfer Instructions.
22.Write a program and flow chart for a hexadecimal conversion
23.Write short notes on "modulo 10 counter".
24.Write a program for BCD to Binary and Binary to ASCII conversion
25. Discuss the following.
(a)RAM and ROM
(b)8085 Interrupts.

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