1.what is a microcomputer?
2.what is an assembler?
3.list the four operations of commonly performed by the mpu.
4.list the arithmetic operations related to memory.
5.list the various addressing modes of 8085.
6.write the steps for converting a 2-digit BCD number into its binary equivalent.
7.what is time delay?
8.define looping and indexing.
9.what is a subroutine?
10.what is a TRAP?
11.what are the two signals available on the 8085 for DMA controller?
12.what are the functions of the instruction SIM?


13.discuss the internal data operations of 8085.
14.discuss any three instructions related to rotating the  accumulator bits.
15.explain the three categories of branch instructions.
16.explain the concept of designing a counter
17.write a subroutine to subtract one packed BCD number. the minuend is placed in register B,and the subtrahend is  placed in register C by the calling program. return the  answer into the accumulator.
18.explain the three steps to communicate with peripherals  through 8255A.
19.explain the two DMA execution modes.

20.discuss the internal architecture of the 8085
21.explain the arithmetic instructions with example.
22.discuss about subroutine documentation and parameter  passing.
23.write a program to count continuously in hexadecimal  from FFH to OOH in a system with a 0.5 micro second  clock period. use register C to set up a one millisecond  delay between each count and display the numbers at  one of the output ports.
24.explain the various 8085-vectored interrupts.

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