1.Define microprocessor.
2.Introduce flash memory.
3.Differentiate between SUB AND CMP commands
4.State the purpose of LDAX AND STAX commands.
5.What do you mean by dynamic debugging?
6.How to design a counter?
7.List the conditional return commands.
8.What is the purpose of DAD commands?
9.List the methods for clearing accumulator.
10.Write a note on EI and DI instructions.
11.Write a note on DMA.
12.Define the role of INTR.


13.Explain the 8085 registers.
14.Explain the 8085 flags.
15.Explain the data transfer instructions.
16.Explain the modulo 10 counter.
17.With examples explain stack commands.
18.Write a program to add two BCD numbers.
19.Explain the memory mapped I/O.

20.Discuss the features of 8085 MPU.
21.Write an assembly language program
to find the sum of given set of 8 bit numbers
22.Explain the subroutine with an example.
23.Explain the following commands: DAA, SHLD, XTHL, XCHG, CMC.
24.Explain the vectored interrupts.
25.Discuss the peripheral I/O

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