1. What are three components in microprocessor based systems?
2.Define Memory.
3.What is machine language?
4. List any three operations commonly performed by the MPU.
5. What are three types of memory transfer instructions in 8085 instruction set?
6. Explain anyone type of 'compare' operation in 8085 instruction set.
7.What are additional techniques for time delay?
8.Define stack.
9.List the operations of RET instruction.
10.Define Maskable Interrupt.
11.Explain the function of disable interrupt.
12.Write about HLDA signal.

13. Explain the functions of various components of microprocessor based system.
14. Discuss about the 8085 machine language and assembly language.
15. Discuss about the input/output instructions and port addresses.
16. Describe the functions of the machine control instructions HLT and NOP.
17. Explain the conditional call and return instructions with an example.
18. Explain the multibyte subtraction with an example.
19.Write a note on "memory mapped I/O".

20. Discuss in detail about 8085 instruction set and classifications.
21. Explain with an example of looping, counting and indexing.
22. Briefly explain the necessary instructions for using the stack.
23. Illustrate a program for BCD-to-common-cathode LED code conversion.
24. Explain the hexadecimal counter and pulse timings for flashing lights.
25.Explain the direct memory access in detail.

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