• The simplest page replacement algorithm is a FIFO algorithm.
  • The FIFO page replacement algorithm is easy to understand and program.
  • problem:
  • performance is not always good.
  • bad replacement choice increases the page fault rate and slows process execution,but does not cause incorrect execution.
  • A page fault is when a page is not present in a frame of memory so a trap has to be sent to the OS and the page has to be added to a frame. 
  • FIFO queue is used to hold all pages in memory.
  • replace the page at the head of the queue.
  • When a page is brought into memory,insert it at the tail of the queue.
  • If there is no room then something needs to be removed. 
  • FIFO is one method to determine what page will get removed.
  • The concept is that whatever page got added first to the frame will get removed first.
  • This is what FIFO stands for. FIRST IN FIRST OUT.

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