PART-A(10 X 1= 10)
1. Define abstract class?
2. Why does the java be a strongly typed  language?
3. Specify default priority value of a thread in Java?
4. List out the advantages of exception handling?
5. What is the usage of seek in file?
6 .Define socket?
7.What is JDBC driver?\
8.What is cookie?
9. Define interface.
10.Give example for events?
11. What is AWT?
12.Mention the purpose of connection interface?.
PART-B(5 X 5 =25)
13. What is overriding?Explain with example.
14. Explain static method along with its advantages.
15. Write note on thread synchronization.
16. Explain the methods available in String Buffer class.
17. what is client/server system.
18. Discuss the syntax and semantics of HTTP GET and HTTP POST methods.
19. Explain working with windows using AWT classes.
PART-C(4 X 10 =40)
20. What is array?Explain the various types of arrays in Java.
21. Explain exceptional handling along with try,Nested try,Catch and Throw.
22. Explain suspending,resuming and stopping threads using Java.
23. Write a java program to copy one file to another file.
24. Explain the following Java utility classes.
       a) stack.
       b)string Tokenizer
25). Explain the servlet life cycle with neat diagram

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