Month & Year of Examination: April 2015
1. Define Microprocessor
2.  What is the purpose of Program counter in 8085?
3. Define: looping
4. List the names of Interrupt lines of 8085
5. Give any two examples in Arithmetic group Instruction of 8085
6. Define: Subroutine
7. Write a note on: RET instruction
8. Give an example for BCD addition
9. What is ROM?
10. Write a note on: Address bus of 8085
11. Define Address Map
12. What is the use of Interrupt Driven Data Transfer?
13. Discuss about Evolution of Microprocessor.
14. What are Assembler Directives?.Explain with examples.
15. Explain about Data Transfer Group of Instructions with examples.
16. Explain about pulse timings for flashlights.
17. Discuss about conditional call and return instructions.
18. Write an assembly language program to do BCD to HEX conversion
19. Distinguish between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O
20. Explain about structure of a microcomputer system with neat diagram
21. Describe in detail various addressing modes of instructions with examples.
22. Explain about Debugging Counter and Time Delay Program
23. Write an assembly language program to do multi byte addition
24. Explain about different programmed data transfer schemes.

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