SECTION-A (2 X 10 = 20)
1. What is ALU?
2. Define:Multiplexing
3. What is I/O mapped I/O?
4. Write a note on :Two Byte instruction.
5. What is an immediate addressing?
6. Write a note on:Call statement
7. Write the purpose of RET statement.
8. write the steps to convert a 2 digit BCD number into its binary equivalent.
9. Write a note on :DAA instruction.
10. Define :DMA
11. Write  the purpose of SIM instruction.
12. Define:Memory mapped I/O.
SECTION-B (5 X 6 = 30)
13. Discuss the data transfer operations in 8085 instruction set.
14. Explain about microprocessor based system with bus architecture.
15. write an assembly language program to do block transfer of data bytes.
16. Explain about time delay using one register.
17. Write short notes on:Subroutines in assembly language programming.
18. Explain about BCD addition with examples.
19. Write about 8085 vectored interrupts.
SECTION-C (3 X 10 = 30)
20. Explain Arithmetic and branching operations in 8085 instruction set with examples.
21. Describe about dynamic debugging.
22. Explain debugging counter and time-delay program.
23.Write an assembly language program to do BCD-to-seven segment -LED code conversion.
24. Explain about interfacing input devices.

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