Month and Year of Examination: Nov 2015
Subject code: SAZ3B
Paper: Microprocessor 8085 and its Applications   
1. Define: ASCII code
2. What are low and high level languages?
3. What do you mean by assembler?
4. Define: Bit and Byte.
5. List the components of a computer.
6.  What is Handshake Mode?
7. Define: Data Format.
8. What do you mean by program counter?
9. What is Data Transfer?
10. List any two Branching operations.
11. What do you mean operand?
12. What is System Interface?
13. Explain the various Memory classifications.
14. Write about Memory Map and Addresses.
15. Write a note on stack and subroutine.
16. Explain the multibyte addition and subtraction.
17. Write about BCD addition program.
18. Explain about the I/O interface.
19. Explain the various Data transfer instructions.

20. Draw a block diagram of a microprocessor based system and explains the functions of each component.
21. Describe the dynamic debugging and Arithmetic logic operations.
22. Discuss on Counters and Time Delays in detail.
23. With the ALP program, explain the ASCII to BCD and BCD to seven segment LED code conversions.
24. Describe the DMA memory interface.

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