Month and Year of Examination: November 2015
Paper: Computer Graphics/code: SAZ4C
1. Write the uses of CAD methods.
2. Write a note on: Display controller in Raster-Scan systems.
3. What are ink-jet methods?
4. Write the properties of circles.
5. Write the intensity codes for a four-level grayscale system.
6. What is 2D reflection?
7. Write a note on: Dragging.
8. Define: Boundary representations.
9. What is 3D translation?
10. Define: Polygon tables.
11. What is oblique parallel projection?
12. What is A-buffer method?
13. Write short notes on : Graphical user interface.
14. Discuss briefly on: Flat-panel displays.
15. Write short notes on : Flood-fill algorithm
16. What are inquiry functions? Explain
17. Discuss about 2D basic transformations.
18. Explain any two three-dimensional display methods.
19. Write short notes on: Viewing pipeline.
20. Discuss the following:
 a) Random –Scan systems.
b) Graphics software.
21. Write short notes on :
a) Line attributes.
b) Character attributes.
22. Explain the working of Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm
23. Describe about 3D composite transformations.
24. Discuss the following:
a) General parallel-projection transformations.
b) Back-face detection.

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