Month & Year of Examination: April 2011
1. Define computer-server system.
2. What is GUI?
3. Define program execution.
4. What is signal () semaphore operation?
5. Define transaction.
6. What is schedule?
7. What is meant by segmentation?
8. Define swapping.
9. Define swap space.
10. What is allocation?
11. Define polling.
12. Define interrupt vector.
13. Discuss on operating system operations.
14. Explain special-purpose systems.
15. Describe on characterization.
16. Write a note on logical and physical address space.
17. Explain FIFO page and LRU page replacements.
18. Discuss about free space management and directory structure.
19. Explain threats and authentication.
20. Explain in detail about Operating System structure.
21. Describe about deadlock prevention and avoidance
22. Discuss in detail about hardware protection and fragmentation.
23. Explain about Thrashing
24. Describe on I/O scheduling, buffering, caching and error handling.

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