Month & Year of Examination: April 2012
1. What are the advantages of assembly language over the machine language?
2. Differentiate between ROM and RAM
3. Define assembler.
4. State the purpose of LDAX and STAX instructions
5. What is dynamic debugging?
6. How to introduce a counter in a 8085 program
7. Define stack
8. State the purpose of SPHL and PCHL
9. What is DAD?
10. Convert 72 bcd into its binary equivalent.
11. What are Interrupts?
12. What is DMA?
13. Explain the flags in 8085
14. Explain the addressing modes in 8085
15. How to introduce time delay using one register? Explain
16. Differentiate between CALL/RET and PUSH/POP
17. Explain the BCD addition with an example.
18. Explain the direct I/O and memory mapped I/O
19. Describe the DMA memory interface
20. Explain the architecture of 8085
21. Discuss the logic instruction of 8085
22. Explain the counter design with time delay
23. With the program explain the Binary to ASCII code conversion
24. Explain the vectored interrupts.

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