Month & Year of Examination: April 2012
                                                              PART – A
1. What is an Operating System?
2. Define Kernel
3. List any 3 OS Components
4. List the various process states
5. What is meant by context switch?
6. Define Deadlock
7. What do you mean by best fit?
8. Define Swapping
9. Define Demand Paging
10. What is Virtual memory?
11. List the 3 basic functions of Hardware clocks and timers
12. What do you mean by Access Right?
                                                          PART – B
13. Explain the Process Control Block
14. How to eliminate deadlock using resource preemption?
15. Discuss in short about Address Binding
16. Explain the Optimal Page Replacement algorithm
17. Give a note on Direct Memory Access (DMA)
18. Explain various process states with a diagram
19. Explain the methods for handling deadlocks
                                                     PART – C
20. Discuss in detail about process scheduling
21. Write a note on Deadlock Prevention
22. Explain basic paging in detail
23. Write a detail note on Page Replacement?
24. Describe in detail about Encryption

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