Month & Year of Examination: April 2013
1. What is an operating system?
 2. What you mean by a Layered Approach?
3. List any Three OS Components.
4. What is a Process?
5. What is meant by context switch?
 6. Define Deadlock.
7. What do you mean by best fit?
 8. What is meant by segmentation?
 9. Define Demand Paging.
10. What is lazy swapper?
11. List the Three Basic functions of hardware clocks and timers.
12. Define stream cipher.
13. Write the benefits of a Virtual-Machine.
14. What are the FOUR conditions that a deadlock situation can arise?
 15. Discuss in short about Address Binding.
16. Write a short note on Trashing.
17. Give a note on Direct Memory Access (DMA).
18. Explain the various process states with a diagram.
19. Explain the methods for handling deadlocks.
                                                                 PART C
20. Discuss in detail about Process Scheduling
 21. Describe about Recovery from Deadlock.
22. Explain Paging in detail.
 23. Write a detail note on Basic page replacement.
24. Discuss the Security Problem in detail.

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