Month & Year of Examination: April 2013
1.What is a peripheral
2.What are pseudo instructions
3.Define Assembler
4.What are the ways to clear the accumulator
5.What is dynamic debugging
6.How to introduce time delay in a 8085 program
7.Define Subroutine
8.State the purpose of XCHG instruction
9.Perform 77 bcd + 48 bcd
10.State the purpose of CMC and STC
11.List the vectored and non-vectored interrupts
12.Differentiate between direct I/O and memory mapped I/O
13.How to classify 8085 instructions in terms of number of bytes?.Give examples
14. Explain the addressing modes of 8085
15.Explain the stack operations
16. Explain the conditional call and conditional return instruction
17.Explain the BCD subtraction with an examples
18. Explain EI and DI instructions
19.Explain the RST instructions.
20.Explain the 8085 Hardware and programming model
21.With a programming example, explain the loop construction in 8085
22.Explain the hexa decimal counter
23.Explain the BCD to Binary conversion with program
24.Explain the DMA controller.

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