Month & Year of Examination: April 2013

1. What is the use of computer graphics in education?
2. Define random scan systems.
3. List down any four name of input devices.
4. What are character attributes?
5. Define ant aliasing.
6. What is transformation?
7. Define windows and viewport.
8. List any four varieties logical classification in input devices.
9. Define depth curing.
10. Give the coordinate representation of anyone of 3D-Transformation.
11. Write the general principle steps for converting a world coordinate to device coordinate. 12. Define image space method.

13. Write short notes on: DDA line drawing algorithm.
14. What are hard-copy devices? Why is it so called?
15. Explain briefly about line attributes.
16. What are the important features / roles of color in graphics? Explain.
17. Write short notes on constructive techniques.
18. Explain briefly about parallel and perspective projection.
19. Write short notes on view volumes.

20. Describe about the working principle of CRT with its diagram.
21. Explain Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
22. How to perform 2D transformation? Explain all the methods.
23. What are 3D composite and additional transformations? Explain in detail.
24. Describe about A-buffer method.

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