Month & Year of Examination: April 2014
1.Define Low level language
2.What is instruction
3.Define Interpreter
4.What is meant by assembly language
5.What is dynamic memory
6.Define EPROM
7.Define Encoder.
8.What do you know about dynamic debugging
9.What is meant by asynchronous?
10.Define DMA
11.What are two types of instructions
12.Define Time delay
13.Discuss on 8085 microprocessor.
14.Write a note on “generating control signals”
15.Describe  about conditional loop and continuous loop
16.Explain  about  generating pulse wave forms program in detail
17.Write a note on time delay using one register
18.Explain the multi byte addition and subtraction operation
19.Write a note on RAM and ROM
20.Describe on 8085 bus organization
21.Write a flow chart for checking sign with rotate instruction
22.Explain with program and flow chart for zero-to-nine counter
23.Discuss on BCD multiplication and division operations
24.Discuss on counters and time delays in detail

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