Month & Year of Examination: April 2014
                                                                  PART – A

1. What is device controller?
2. What is thread in OS?
3. Define the term: Race condition.
4. When deadlock situation will arise?
5. What is Semaphore?
6. What is Address space?
7. What is the use of paging scheme?
8. Write the disadvantages of fragmentation.
9. Define the term: Paging.
10. What is a file?
11. What is an interface?
12. Give 4 examples for secondary storage devices.

                                                                PART – B

13. Write the comparison between any two types of systems.
14. List and explain briefly about the operating system services.
15. Write short notes on: Process, PCB and Threads.
16. Explain about any one of the classic problems of synchronization.
17. (A) Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation.
     (b)Write the difference between logical and physical address space.
18. Write short notes on: Thrashing.
19. What are the ways of implementing the access matrix? Explain briefly.

                                                                 PART – C
20. Explain in detail about Round - Robin scheduling.
21. Describe about any one of the deadlock avoidance algorithm.
22. Write a short note on paging scheme.
23. Write about the Indexed Allocation methods and also explain how it is more advantageous than other allocation methods.
24. Discuss about the Kernel I/O system.

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