Month & Year of Examination: April 2015
1. Write down the application fields of computer graphics.
2. Write any two Input devices
3. What are the basic lines attributes
4. Define Inquiry functions.
5. What are transformations?
6. Define viewing.
7. What are Logical Input Devices?
8. Define grid.
9. What are Polygon Tables?
10. Define Scaling with 3D objects.
11. What is object space method?
12. Why to remove the hidden surface.
13. Write short notes on Hard copy devices
14. Discuss the essential characteristics of graphics software.
15. Describe the mid-point circle drawing algorithm
16. What is composite transformation? Explain
17. Write short notes on modeling concepts.
18. Explain depth cueing.
19. How to view 3D objects.
20. Explain the working principle of CRT
21. What are the additional transformations available in some packages?.Explain.
22. Describe about Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
23. Explain Rotation and translation with respect to 3D objects.
24. Discuss about the different types of projections.

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