Month & Year of Examination: NOV 2010
1.What is a microcontroller?
2.What is an assembler?
3.Write the assembler instruction format.
4.List the arithmetic operations related to memory.
5.What are the instructions related to rotating the accumulator bits?
6.How to design a counter?
7.What is the purpose of CMC and STC instructions?
8.What is nesting?
9.What is the purpose of the instruction DAA?
10. How to convert 2-digit BCD number into its binary equivalent?
11.What are the two modes of data transfer under DMA controller?
12.Which mode of 8255A is responsible for the eight bits of port C?
13.Explain the purpose of various flags in 8085.
14.Explain the addressing modes of 8085.
15.Explain the data transfer instruction with example.
16.Write a program to perform the following functions:
(a)Load the number 8BH in register D.
(b)Load the number 6FH in register C.
(c)Increment the contents of register C by one.
(d)Add the content of registers C and D and display the sum at the output port PORT1.  
17.Define the stack, stack pointer and program counter, and their uses.
18.Write an assembly language program to convert binary to BCD.
19.Explain the input/output features in mode 0 of 8255A.
20.Describe the internal data operations and the 8085 registers.
21.Explain the various arithmetic instructions for 16-bit operations.
22.Discuss about conditional call and return statement of 8085.
23.A multiplicand is stored  in memory location XX50H and a multiplier is stored in location
XX51H.write a main program to
(a)transfer the two number from memory location to the HL registers
(b)Store the product in the output buffer at XX90H and write a subroutine to multiply two unsigned number placed in registers H and L and return the result into the HL pair.
24.Explain the process of the DMA and the function of various elements of the 8237.

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