Month & Year of Examination: Nov 2010
                                                                  PART – A
1. What is time sharing?
2. Define operating system.
3. Differentiate between command line and batch interface.
4. Define process
5. What do you mean by deadlock?
6. What is race condition?
7. Differentiate between logical and physical address pace.
8. Define paging.
9. What is Virtual memory?
10. Define Bus.
11. What is buffering?
12. Define cache
                                                              PART - B
13. Explain kernel I/O subsystem.
14. Explain CPU schedulers.
15. Explain semaphores.
16. What are then necessary conditions for deadlock characterization?
17. Explain Dynamic loading and linking.
18. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation.
19. Explain thrashing.
                                                             PART - C
20. Discuss in detail about different process scheduling algorithm.
21. Describe the various methods for handling deadlock.
22. Explain Contiguous and Non-Contiguous allocation.
23. Write short notes on File system.
24. Explain the security problem in I/O systems.

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