Month & Year of Examination: November 2011
                                             PART A
1.  Define ASCII.
2. What is assembler?
3. What is meant by high-level language?
4. Define READ/Write memory.
5. What are four primary operations of MPU?
6. Define Decoder.
7. What is address bus?
8. Define monitor program.
9. What do you know about Un-conditional Data Transfer?
10. Define HLDA.
11. List four types of rotate.
12. Define counters.
13. Explain the logic symbol and function table of encoder.
14. Discuss on latch and clocked D Flip-Flops.
15. Describe on data transfer op-codes.
16. Explain debugging counter.
17. Discuss about time delay using a loop with in a loop technique.
18. Explain the operation of BCD addition and subtraction.
19. Write a note on I/O interface and direct I/O memory.
20. Explain about internal data operations and 8085 registers.
21. Discuss on data transfer from the microprocessor to memory.
22. Explain about stack instructions.
23. Explain the following conversion methods with examples:
(a) ASCII to BCD
(b) BCD to Hexa decimal.
24. Describe on 8085 interrupts.

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