Month & Year of Examination: November 2011
1. List out the video display devices devices.
2. Write down the any four application area of computer graphics.
3. Define DDA.
4. What are line attributes?
5. What are inquiry functions?
6. What is translation?
7. Give the additional transformation?
8. What is composite transformation?
9. What is parallel projection?
10. What is polygon?
11. What is 3D?
12. What are the methods available for hidden surface and hidden line elimination?
                            SECTION -B
.13. Write short notes on computer graphics.
14. What are hard copy devices? Explain anyone.
15. What is circle generating algorithm? Explain anyone
16 what are all character attributes? Describe.
17. Explain the logical classification of input devices.
18. Explain depth cueing.
19. Distinguish between object space and image space method.
20. Describe about random scan display system.
21. Explain the basic 2D transformation with matrix representation.
 22. Explain Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping, with its algorithm.
23. Explain scaling and translation with respect to 3D objects.
24. Describe in detail about the depth buffer method to detect visible surfaces.

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