Month & Year of Examination: November 2012
1.List the four operations performed by MPU
2.What are registers? List the general purpose register of 8085
3.What are the categories of branch instructions
4.What are the status flags in 8085?
5.What is static debugging?
6.How to introduce time delay in an 8085 program
7.State the purpose of RST instruction
8.State the purpose of XTHL instruction
9.What is the purpose of DAA
10.Perform 82bcd-48bcd
11. List the maskable and non-maskable interrupts.
12.What is DMA
13.List and state the purpose of data transfer instructions of 8085
14.Explain the logic instructions in 8085
15.Explain the stack operations.
16.Explain the subroutine call and return statements.
17.List the steps to convert BCD number into its binary equivalent
18.Explain SIM and RIM instructions
19.Explain the RST instructions.

20.Discuss the memory classifications
21.With a programming example, explain counting technique.
22.Explain the modulo 10 counter
23.With the programming example, explain ASCII-To-Binary code conversion
24.Explain the master and slave modes of controller.

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