Month & Year of Examination: November 2012
                                                  PART – A
1. What are Privileged Instructions?
2. Define kernel.  
3. Why is the Operating System viewed as the resource allocator?
4. List the various process states.
5. Define thread
6. What are the Conditions under which a deadlock situation may arise?
7. What is the main function of Memory Management Unit (MMU)?
8. Define Swapping.
9. List any 2 page replacement algorithms.
10. What is Virtual Memory?
11. Name the Four registers of I/O Port.
12. Define Access Right.
                                                           PART – B
13. Write a short note on Dual Mode Operation.
14. Describe the critical section problem.
15. Write a short note on Memory Allocation.
16. Explain the Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm.
17. Write a short note on Polling.
18. Explain the Process Control Block.
19. How to eliminate deadlocks using resource preemption?
                                                          PART – C
20. Explain the Scheduling criteria and any one Scheduling algorithm
21. Write a detail note on deadlock prevention.
22. Discuss in detail about Segmentation.
23. Explain the various File Access Methods.
24. Describe in detail about Encryption.

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