Month & Year of Examination: November 2013
1.What is microcomputer?
2.Define byte and word.
3.What do you mean by compiler?
4.Define operating system.
5.List any two functions of microprocessor.
6.Define static memory.
7.What is buffer?
8.Define assembler.
9.Define data transfer.
10.What is TRAP?
11.Define interpreter.
12.List two groups of loop.
13.Describe on tri state and buffer.
14.Explain the action of decoder.
15.Explain the common sources of errors.
16.Write a note on subroutine call and program transfer.
17.Explain counter design with time delay.
18.Describe ASCII to binary conversion operation and binary to ASCII conversion operation.
19.Explain RAM and Input / Output interface.

20.Explain memory map and address in detail.
21.Describe in detail about addition with carry program.
22.Explain about resetting and displaying flags in detail.
23.Explain the following conversion operations with example.
(a)Hexadecimal to BCD
(b)BCD to ASCII.
24.Describe trap problems on implementing 8085 interrupt.

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