Month & Year of Examination: November 2014

1.What is microprocessor?
2.Define: Interpreter
3.What is mean by Instruction?
4.What is Tri state Logical?
5.List the four operation commonly performed by the microprocessor
6.What is meant by dynamic debugging?
7.What is stack?
8.Define flag
9.List any four categories of 8085 instruction set
10.What is meant by Addressing mode?
11.What is operation code?
12.Define: DMA
                                     SECTION -B
13.Write about microcomputer system
14.Explain the functions of various pins of the 8085 microprocessor
15.Explain the following addressing modes:
16.Write about counters and time delays
17.Write about condition call and return instruction
18.Write a note on Arithmetic and logical operations
19.Explain  the functions on RAM and ROM
                                    Section -C
20.Describe the function of MPU in details.
21.Explain the data transfer instruction and debugging.
22.Discuss about module 10 counter and debugging counter.
23.With the program explain the BCD to binary and binary to BCD conversions.
24.Describe the various functions of DMA.

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