1. What are the different stages of a multimedia.
2. What is SCSI and MCI?
3. What are the features of the Quadra?
4. What is OCR software?
5. How multimedia becomes Hypermedia
6. What is Super base?
7. What is Window base?
8. What is Bit map.
9. What are the ways to make a bitmap?
10. What is Morphing?
11. What is the principle of Animation?
12. What are Story boards?
13. Explain any two applications of multimedia.
14. Discuss about the Macintosh Platform.
15. Explain any three features of AVI
16. Discuss about Fonts and Faces.
17. What are the things to avoid in creating computer graphics?
18. How Video Works?
19. Write short notes on:CD Technology.
20. Discuss the various requirements to make Multimedia.
21. Describe any five presentation tools from the classic genre of presentation software.
22. Describe the various sound editing operations.
23. How the computers generate still images using Bitmaps?.Explain.
24. Describe the design part of Multimedia Project.

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