Navigator object:
represents the particular browser and allows script functions to access
information about the browser being used to access the document.The Navigator object provides information about the browser that the user is currently using.
All the properties are read-only and can not be dynamically changed.
The Navigator object properties are used to determine the users browser and navigate to sections of the site containing browser-specific content.
1.appCodeName-returns the code name of the browser2.appName- Returns the name of the browser
3.appVersion- Returns the version information of the browser
4.cookieEnabled-Determines whether the cookies are enabled in the browser
5.language- Returns the language of the browser
6.OnLine- Returns whether the browser is online
7.platform- Returns for which platform the browser is compiled
8.product- Returns the engine name of the browser
9. UserAgent- Returns the user agent header sent by the browser to the server
1.javaEnabled- ThejavaEnabled
method can be used to determine whether the user has Java
capabilities enabled in their browser.2.taintEnabled- Specifies whether the browser has data tainting enabled
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