Paper: Database management systems
Code: SAZ5A
Year of examination: November 2015

1. What is Data Dictionary?
2. What is the purpose of a feasibility study?
3. Define: Class Diagram
4. What is meant by Second Normal Form?
5. Define: DML
6.  What are Reports?
7. What do you mean by Transaction?
8. Define: Sequential Organization.
9. Write a note on: Primary Key.
10. What is meant by Distributed Database?
11. Define: HTML
12. What is meant by Object oriented Database?

13. Discuss the advantages of DBMS.
14. Write Short Notes on: Data types.
15. Explain briefly on: Query Basics.
16. Discuss about Testing Queries.
17. Explain about Direct Manipulation of graphical objects.
18. Discuss the Table operations.
19. Write short notes on: client /server Databases.
20. Describe about various Components of DBMS.
21. Explain various Joins with examples.
22. Explain about Effective Design of forms and Reports.
23. Describe about Data Clustering and Partitioning.
24. Explain the Database Tasks by Development Stages.

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