Month & year of Examination: November 2005
Paper: Visual Programming
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20)

1. List down any FOUR properties of command button.
2. What is the main use of labels?
3. What are comment statements?
4. List down any FOUR built-in data types in VB.
5.Draw a flow diagram for Do loop in VB.
6. How will you find the length of a string in VB? Give an example.
7. What are fixed arrays?
8. What is the use of flex grid control?
9. What are MDI forms?
10. Write a note on : Debug Object.
11. Write a note on : Line command in VB.
12.What are binary files?

                                                    PART B (5 X 5= 25)

13. Write short notes on: Image Controls.
14. What are message boxes? Discuss briefly.
15. Discuss about select case control structure with an example.
16. Discuss about any FOUR numeric built-in functions in VB with examples.
17. Write short notes on: Control Arrays.
18. What are VB objects? Discuss about creating an object in VB with examples.
19. Discuss about dB's file handling commands with examples.
                                                                                                                                                                                             PART-C (3 X 10 =30)

20. Describe in detail, standard properties and event procedures of text boxes.
21. Discuss in detail about OLE automation
22. Explain about indeterminate loops in VB with suitable examples.
23. Describe in detail about the Debug tool bar.
24. Discuss about the events, methods and properties used for dragging and dropping operations for controls.

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