1. Define Micro computer.
2. Write a note on Accumulator.
3. Give any Two examples for Data Transfer Group of
4. What is meant by Direct Addressing?
5. Write a note on ADI Instruction.
6. Define Stack.
7. What is meant by Subroutine?
8. Write a note on BCD code.
9. What is ASCII code?
10.Define Interrupt.
11.What is meant by DMA?
12.Define memory mapped I/O.


13.Compare Machine Language Programming with Assembly  Language Programming.
14.Write short notes on Register and Immediate Addressing.
15.Discuss about Branch Group Instructions with examples.
16.Explain about counters and Time delays.
17.Write an assembly language program to perform BCD to  Binary conversion.
18.Write an assembly language program to do BCD  multiplication.
19.Write short notes on Interrupts in 8085.


20. Explain about functional organization of 8085 Microprocessor with a block diagram.
21. Describe in detail, Arithmetic and Logic Group of   Instructions with examples.
22.Write an assembly language program to evaluate the  expression P * Q + R * S using subroutines.
23.Write Assembly Language Programs to do BCD Addition and  BCD subtraction.
24.Explain about DMA Transfer in 8085 Based System  numbers.

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