Month & Year of Examination: Nov 2011
Paper: Visual Programming

PART A - (10 * 2 = 20 marks)

1. What is Static Variable?
2. Define the Project Explorer.
3. Differentiate decision statements and a loop statement.
4. What is meant by Group box controls?
5. What is Multiple Document Interface?
6. Explain how to use error handling routines to generator errors?
7. What are usages to menu control array?
8. Write the different kind of Drag-and-Drop operations.
9. What are the record set types?
10. Write the uses of error trap.
11. Define design time debug.
12. Write the Advantages of OLE.

PART B - (5 * 5 = 25 marks)

13. Write a note on data types and declaration.
14. Discuss the properties and events of the Text Box controls.
15. Discuss how to create a control array at design time.
16. Describe the basics of working with objects in VB.
17. Explain how to load a graphic into the picture box control.
18. Briefly explain the OLE automation interface.
19. Explain the properties used in an image control.

PART C - (3 * 10 = 30 marks)

20. Explain how to add and remove the VB controls and their uses with examples.
21. Explain the looping structures with suitable example.
22. Explain the following
(a) Grid Control (5)
(b) Projects with multiple forms. (5)
23. Discuss the process of testing, debugging, and optimization of the code
24. Explain the methods available in the File operations with necessary example.

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